Posted to Color
Autumn Vibes!
“And all the lives we ever lived and all the lives to be are full of trees and changing leaves.” – Virginia Woolf

All of our wanderlusts have been on lockdown, but thank goodness Mother Nature knows how to put on a show!
From the corners of each of our neighborhoods, to the mountaintops of Maine, the colors were STUNNING this year!
Quiet pastures, long and windy dirt roads to mountain lakes, the views were breathtaking!
Whether it was Connor hiking to Abbey Pond, or Amy taking a epic journey through Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine on a motorcycle or team did all this and more. We all did it safely TOO! Which proved, if you think before you leap, you can truly enjoy the splendor that New England offers in Autumn.
Others stayed close to home, to reap the bennies of swirling oranges, ravishing reds and golden hues!
Elizabeth hiked up Jay Peak and Lake Elmore!
Katie took a scenic drive and snapped these beauts!
Kelly and her kiddos took to the Stowe Bike path!
Brian ventured to Cochran’s Ski Area and captured these stunners!
And let’s not forget Lake Champlain and clouds putting on a show over the ‘dacks!
Kathie took her motorcycle and RV ALL over Vermont! Check out her two cute ridealongs. *wink*
Whether it be dusk or noon, the beauty never stopped!
Barb and friends kayaked the Lamoille River and paused long enough to capture some BREATHTAKING views!
It was so great to hear at our weekly Monday morning check-ins all through September,
“BOY! It was SO gorgeous out! We went hiking!”
“Couldn’t let the stunning weather go to waste We went kayaking!
“Have you been to *such-n-such*? The views are amazing!”
“I had to pull over to take a photo!”
And that’s what Mother Nature is truly gifted at, making us pause in awe. Take a deep breath and revel in the beauty that surrounds us. Grateful, is putting it lightly.