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  • UVM – Music Building

    The UVM Music building was in need of a shading system that would be energy efficient with ease of operation and maintenance.

    Customer Type
    EcoSmart Roller Shades

    A Historic Icon

    “Built in 1973, the UVM Music department’s mission is to offer undergraduate students an intellectual and artistic environment that enables them to understand and appreciate music and dance both as art forms and as reflections of their deeper cultural contexts. We train music teachers, performers, theorists, composers, choreographers, and music historians, but also provide aesthetic insight and practical experiences to those for whom music and dance will be a lifelong avocation.” -copy and photo above courtesy of UVM

    Client Need

    Sheer drapery have a time and a place, but not in this beautiful contemporary structure. Students, faculty, staff, family and guests were blinded by afternoon Sun. The Sun can be blazing and make this space uncomfortable and sometimes, unusable. The drapery had served it’s purpose, but now it was time for a more suitable solution for this large, curved bank of floor-to-ceiling windows.

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