Posted to Design

Gordon’s Window Decor was chosen to be the US representative in an EXTENSIVE renovation project at the Palace of Versailles.
We have been petitioning on this project for months now!
Campaigning with our 30 years of experience, being a family business, manufacturing and having preservation always close to our heart, worked to our avantage.(said with a French accent)
We have a long history with the Preservation Trust of Vermont that definitely helped our crusade to be a part of this AHHHHHHhMAZING project.
Above you’ll see the dining room at Chateau de Versailles, that will soon have the Gordon’s touch.
We have yet to pick out the luscious,…absolument fine fabrics for our design, but you bet your boots, they will be OOHhh la la…délicieux!
Oh by the way…poisson d’Avril!!
(translation: April Fools!)