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    After an exorbitant amount of time testing and researching, the team at Gordon’s Window Decor is excited to announce that we’ve launched a new product aimed at making schools and colleges more safe, Patented SecurShade.

    Our SecurShade product is designed to make classrooms safe in the event of an emergency. Kelly Conklin, our president here at Gordon’s had this to say about the new product:(click below)

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    “In an emergency, speed is of the essence. Every step of a protocol can seem like an eternity. From locking doors to establishing safe areas, and keeping students and co-workers calm, one step we knew could improve was the need to lower the shades on every window in the building quickly. This is a necessary step but it delays the process and also means potentially dangerous exposure to the window. Our shade eliminates this and does it at the push of a button.”

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