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    Fun funding for the Fantastic Flynn!

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    We LOVE the Flynn!

    I mean, seriously how can you not love them and all that they do for our community? Theater, dance, concerts, art, and education! We all live a more enriched life because of the Flynn.

    “The Flynn Center’s 7th Annual Home & Garden Online Auction supports the Flynn’s programs to meet our mission: fostering the enjoyment, understanding and development of the performing arts in Vermont and the region.”

    We here at Gordon’s adore this hub for the performing arts. Starting today through June 7th, 2015, you can show your support by bidding on some AHH-MAZING silent auction items.


    So CLICK NOW——-> https://www.biddingforgood.com/auction/auctionhome.action?auctionId=229170788

    Donating = good!

    Supporting local community = great!

    Winning the silent auction = everyone wins!

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