Posted to Gordon’s Window Decor
COVID-19 and Virtual Appts!

Hello Everyone,
As the situation with Covid-19 develops, we are doing everything we can to ensure that business carry on; though not at the risk of the health of our team members and clients. I thought it would be helpful to let you know the precautions we are taking:
1. Installers and Designers all have their own supply of disinfectant wipes which they are using to wipe down surfaces where they have measured or installed.
2. Production teams have disinfectant wipes at their stations and are regularly wiping down work surfaces.
3. We are offering clients, who would rather not have a designer come to their home, a virtual appointment. Same GREAT service, from a safe distance.
4. We are offering clients who would rather not have an installer come to their home the opportunity to reschedule or the choice to have us walk them through the installation and we will ship them their shade no charge.
This is in addition to all the general guidelines to which we are absolutely adhering to:
– Maintain 3′-6′ from others
– Disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces (phones, keyboards, door handles etc.)
– Refrain from handshakes or other familiar/friendly greetings
Wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds under hot running water
– Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
– Cover your mouth and nose with a flexed elbow or tissue when coughing and sneezing
– Discard tissues in a garbage can and clean hands after coughing or sneezing.
We are also offering a virtual window design consultation. It’s simple, thorough and fun!
You’re getting the same level of service that you’d receive from an in-person consultation, but it’s on your terms and can easily fit into your schedule.
- Select the time and date that works best for you and schedule it online. You can choose to have your appointment via Facetime, Zoom, or directly over the phone.
- Upload photos showing us your windows. Including close-up shots of just the windows as well as photos of the entire room will help our design team get a feel for your space and decor.
- Upload inspirational photos of looks you’ve seen that you like so we know what styles and ideas are interesting to you. You can include images you find online as well as our inspirational product images and our extensive portfolios.
- Take measurements of your windows (just for price quoting purposes—we’ll send someone out for final measurements before ordering).
- Include any notes about your project: any ideas you have, special requirements, or even things you don’t want.
Our window decor designers are available if you need anything during the process. Once you’ve finalized your design options, we will send a member of our team to take final measurements of your windows so your window coverings can be ordered. One of our experienced installers will come and install your window coverings and integrate any smart technology you may have chosen.
Of course, as with everyone, GWD is remaining flexible to the ever changing nature of this situation and will modify policies as needed to keep everyone healthy.
If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to call or email me. I can be reached directly at 802-338-9344 and my email address is [email protected].
Kelly Clements